our approach

Vivo Cura’s Approach to Treating Muscle, Bone and Joint Pain

Vivo Cura specializes in identifying the source of your pain and controlling it through skilled procedures (view our services page). However, that’s not the end of treatment – it’s just the beginning! Lasting solutions to pain require action from both the practitioner and the patient.

This is our approach to treating not only the symptoms of pain, but also the root problems causing it:

Specialized Assessment
We work together to understand your pain

A multidisciplinary team works with you, the patient, to identify the source of your pain.

Our goal is to understand why you hurt, not just where you hurt.

We strive to listen to and understand your concerns, set relevant goals with you, and prepare an individualized care-path to achieve those goals.

Pain Management

What we do

The pain we help manage is a symptom of a problem that our multidisciplinary team helps identify. Once identified, our team proposes a treatment plan, which often includes an intervention, aimed to control that pain.

When your pain is managed, it opens a window of opportunity for you to rehabilitate and assume a healthier lifestyle.

Empowered Action

What you do

With your pain under control, it’s time to take action!

We help you through the rehabilitation process and individualize it so you regain the ability to do those things that are most important to you.

You make changes to your lifestyle, including exercise, healthy eating, and positive thinking.

You may require further pain control procedures to continue taking individual action.

The New You

Real change

We hope the improvements in pain, function and lifestyle become a part of you.

Life after dealing with pain may not look exactly as it did before, but new chapters are full of their own unique adventures!

Patient-Centered Care

When it comes to pain, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution. Although most patients go through the above path, you may be different. Care is tailored to each patient with the best solution being the one that’s right for you. At Vivo Cura, everything we do centers around the patient – our care model is set up like a hub and spokes, with the patient (the hub) in the center and a care team (the spokes) around them offering support.

Click on the red dots to see how each team member helps provide care for you.


Works alongside an allied health professional to diagnose your pain and then customize a treatment plan with you.


If a procedure (or intervention) is appropriate, an interventionalist will use imagining technology to perform a treatment at a very precise location.


If your pain is complex, our specialists are there to help consult with other members of the team to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.


Allied health professionals are important members of our team and help in a variety of ways, including co-assessment, case management, patient care and recovery, and active treatment.


These unsung heroes keep everything moving so you have a better experience. They book appointments, answer questions,solve concerns, and provide you with information.


Whether it was your family physican, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, or another specialist that referred you into Vivo Cura, we work closely with them while you are in our care.


Whether you require a single invervention or ongoing assessments, the case manager ensures that you are seeing the right people at the right time.


You are the most important member of the team! You work with the assessing physician to set treatment goals and define what success in reducing pain looks like to you. When pain is reduced, you have the power to make lifestyle change to produce lasting change.
How to become a patient?
If you are interested in becoming our patient, click on the following link to learn more about the requirements and steps to become one.